
  • Idle Editor Download For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 11. 9. 05:39

    Its worth spending a bit of time describing how to use IDLE. To most, this may not be immediately obvious.

    1. After you launch idle from the command line (make sure idle shell window has focus), click File, click 'New File'. A new window opens; this is your editor. Type your program in the editor. Click 'File', click 'Save As.' Save your file somewhere with any name you choose, and a '.py' extension to the file name. Click 'Run', click 'Run Module.
    2. Sep 26, 2020.

    Launch IDLE shell window

    After you launch idle from the command line (make sure idle shell window has focus), click File, click 'New File'. A new window opens; this is your editor. Type your program in the editor. Click 'File', click 'Save As.' Save your file somewhere with any name you choose, and a '.py' extension to the file name. Click 'Run', click 'Run Module.

    To start, we need to open the python shell window. This is the first window you see when you launch the IDLE application. If you haven’t already, drag the IDLE icon from your Launchpad down into the dock. This will ensure it is ever present whenever you wish to launch.


    Open editor window

    From the shell window, you need to open an editor window. The editor window is where we will write python code. From the IDLE menu bar (click on the shell window to ensure the menu bar is IDLE specific) click File, New File. This will open a new window called “Untitled”

    Save File

    Idle Editor Download For Mac Windows 7

    Its probably a good idea to save the editor window file at this point. This will ensure your code can be saved as you work on it, and it can be retrieved at a later point. From the menu bar, click File, Save As. Each Python file name will have a .py extension. This is provided by default when you name your file.

    Write some code

    I wanted to prove that my set up worked so I entered some code in the editor window. I wrote a hello world program using the code below. Click File, Save on the IDLE menu when this code has been written in the editor window.

    Run program

    Idle Text Editor

    Executing the code returns (prints) the string values (within quotation marks) stored inside brackets to the python shell window. On the IDLE menu bar click Run, Run Module. This returns the output shown below to the shell window.

    Idle Editor Download For Mac Windows 10


    Code written and successfully returned to the shell window! To follow on from my previous post, rubber has in fact hit the road. I now have a set up that works and the tools that I need to start learning Python.

    Idle Editor For Python Download

    Sidenote – The Python.org website has a a comprehensive guide on using IDLE which goes well beyond this post. For more detail, this is a great place to look.

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